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Frontline Leadership International FLLI


In Collaboration/Partnership with DOZA Inc. Global's For Profit Trade Arm AZOD JParks Consultant, GBSA Global Business Solutions Advisor LLC has launched a Sustainability Partnership with Global Businesses that are Biblically based in their Day to Day Business Models.

The General concept is this


 Frontline Leadership International FLLI (Trademark/Copyright)

This is a campaign to gather 300  Organizations and 300 Women Business Owners who are Biblically based to make aware & expose their Networks to Foundational Sessions from an Apostolic approach to business (Apostolic Entrepreneurship) success/wealth in order to duplicate that Programme over and over again in their respective countries and communities throughout the USA, Africa and beyond!


Those who attend will be Certified with a sealed/signed (those Leaders who are Frontline spokesman: Pastors, CEOs etc.those who are authorized to give signatures) agreement to do a Sustainability partnership with DOZA Inc. & Affiliates within an International Network of Advanced Leadership to Donate monthly $25 Usd to help serve Humanity throughout Africa and other areas of the world.


Included in the sessions and post Certifications will be Access to a wealth of Key Executive Leadership Tools to those who are included in the International Network.


For more detailed communications email@


Or call or text WhatsApp: 1-919-454-2279  Leave a message and we will promptly return your inquiry within 24 hours.

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